Services and solutions for data centres

Data centres are part of the critical infrastructure of modern societies. The European Union expects the energy consumption of data centres to increase 28% by 2030 compared to 2018. Data centre facilities have extremely high technical and safety requirements. And we have the expertise to fulfil those requirements.


Data Centres Power Smart City Technology

Data centres are the physical facilities where data is stored and processed. As our cities become smarter and more connected, the importance of secure, reliable, and sustainable data centres is increasingly highlighted. The environmental conditions of a data centre are highly controled, with ventilation and cooling playing a significant role in their total energy consumption.

The residual (otherwise "wasted") emission-free heat from data centres can be recovered and used  in nearby buildings or district heating, and e.g. solar panels can assist in generating green energy used by the data centre.

How do we ensure that data centres' environmental impact and electricity consumption are minimised…

How do we ensure that data centres' environmental impact and electricity consumption are minimised and waste heat is recovered?

Read the blog article


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Cooling data centres can represent roughly 30-50% of the total electricity consumption in a data centre, and often represents the single most efficient area for optimisation in a data centre. We have vast experience in this area.

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Energy Management

Energy management and optimisation plays a crucial role in a data centre's efficiency and sustainability, when as much as 75% of a data centre's operational costs are spent on energy. 

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Offering tailored planning, high-quality installations and regular maintenance provide the optimal solution for your property’s fire extinguishing and sprinkler systems, as well as access control and evacuation systems.

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Your lifetime partner for data centre - from planning to maintaining

Our end-to-end data centre service offers project management, operative leading, control room services, critical on-call duties and preventive maintenance in one single operational and financial model. A model and concept witch we have experience of from other critical infrastructural sites.

It is critical to ensure that your partner has holistic knowledge of the compatibility and interaction of all, your technical building systems, in order to provide reliable functions for the entirety of your technical building system portfolio.

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Our core is our people

Our customers are supported by about 15,000 Caverion professionals in 9 countries in Northern and Central Europe. Our project people are experts in electric, piping, HVAC, sprinkler, automation, design, safety, fireprotection and tele to name a few. In Finland only are we the biggest electricity contractor.

Ensuring safety is our top priority in all circumstances. 96% of our people say they take safety as their personal responsibility. In average, our people work with us for over 10 years. We keep society's critical functions running.

Read more on our country-specific sites


We are experienced in supporting the critical infrastructure

Our services and solutions are part of modern data centres

Do you want to know more?

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